Structure of the virus
As mentioned in the home section of the webpage, the name coronavirus is derived from the fact
that the virus is shaped like a corona, as we can see on the right, and corona translates to crown in Greek. The outside is protected by spike glycoprotein (S), which is a type of protein that
has a carbohydrate attached to it. This means that it's more attracted to water. That protein is connected to the RNA and N protein by the Hemagglutinin-esterase dimer (HE),
which, again, is a type of protein. The envelope of the virus holds the virus together. It is made from a structure similar to grease, meaning that the virus is decomposed if soap is used,
since it destroyes grease.
How virus transmittion work
When a virus enters your body, it comes into contact with the mucous membrances that line your nose, mouth and eyes. The virus multiplies inside of a healthy cell in order to make new cells, and these new cells infect nearby cells. A virus is about 100 times larger than bacteria, and the reason why an anti-bacteria doesn't work against viruses is because they are inside of cells. Your respiratory system is made up of your trachea, which is your throat, your bronchi and your alveoli, where gaseous exchange happens between oxygen and carbon dioxide. The coronavirus enters your respiratory system's healthy cells. It travels down your airways which can irritate them or inflame them. In some cases, the inflation might reach down to your alveoli and distrurb your gaseous exchange, providing a shortage of oxygen, making it difficult to breathe.
Extreme cases
If coronavirus gets more severe, the burning, inflation and swelling get more vivid. This means that your lungs fill with fluid and debris. The air sacs fill with mucus and other antibodies which try to fight off the infection. You can check the state of your respiratory system by getting a CT scan.